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About Us

Ganeshan Karthik


Welcome to my website. My name is Karthik. I am a web designer. I love designing websites. So, I created this website as I wish.

My mother tongue is Tamil. So, I decided to design a website in my language. I am so much interested in writing articles. Then I wrote articles in my mother tongue and published them on my website. I wish to learn about new things as well as research lots of information on the internet.

Daily we read so many things during our free time. And some people spend lots of time reading. There may be truthful or fake information. If we read any fake information, it will be useless and a waste. If we read good and meaningful articles, they will be more useful or feel happy. The only purpose of reading is to get some knowledge to make our life better.

Smart Tamil Trend is an online learning website. I am posting articles to my website in some categories such as Digital Marketing, WordPress, Make Money Online, and Technology.

First, I read lots of things then I analyze what is correct and good or fake. Then I collect only good data and write articles for my website.
I warmly welcome all to my website those who like to know new and truthful information. My only scope is to reveal truthful and useful information to my website viewers.

This website will be more useful and helpful to the people who follow this site. I never post any fake news articles. The belief of the viewer is most important to me. I believe that my website will develop with loyal visitors and followers. It is necessary to grow a website. That’s what I believe.

The purpose of this website is, that the visitors who are coming to this site should feel happy or get some knowledge by reading those articles. I will post more articles as soon as possible. If you visit frequently you will know about the beneficial information.

If it is fruitful for you to read, please share it with your friends as well as on social media. If you do that others will benefit from your sharing.
I started this website in October 2018. Now viewers have started to visit my website.

I think one day this website will gain more visitors and followers. My big desire is that make this site the most viewable site on the internet.

You can express your suggestions and feedback for developing this site. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through the Contact Us page and e-mail address. The official e-mail address is [email protected].

Don`t forget to follow social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Thank you, Friends,

Yours faithfully,


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